Represents the billing rate information for a product or service.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public class RateInformation : SerializableBase
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class RateInformation _
	Inherits SerializableBase
Visual C++
public ref class RateInformation : public SerializableBase


This class represents the billing rate information for a product or service. This class can be used to represent the following different types of rates: flat fee or fixed rate (FixedRate) or a unit and quantity rate (UnitRate). The RateType property indicates what type of rate is represented by this class instance:


The following example creates an instance of the RateInformation class and sets its common properties.
CopyVisual Basic
' Create a new BargeEx RateInformation object
Dim RateInformation As New BargeEx.RateInformation()

' For the available RateInformation properties
With RateInformation

    ' Set the rate type to FixedRate
    .RateType = BargeEx.CicaRateType.FixedRate

    ' Set the rate information properties
    .FixedRateAmount = 200

    ' Add incidentals
    .Incidentals.Add(New BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.Fuel, 100, 2))
    .Incidentals.Add(New BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.HighWater, 50))

End With ' RateInformation
// Create a new BargeEx RateInformation object
BargeEx.RateInformation RateInformation = new BargeEx.RateInformation();

// For the available RateInformation properties
// Set the rate type to FixedRate
RateInformation.RateType = BargeEx.CicaRateType.FixedRate;

// Set the rate information properties
RateInformation.FixedRateAmount = 200;

// Add incidentals
    new BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.Fuel, 100, 2));
    new BargeEx.Incidental(BargeEx.CicaIncidentalCode.HighWater, 50));

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also