Abstract base class used for all BargeEx documents that support updating.

Namespace:  BargeEx.Internal
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public abstract class UpdatableBargeExDocumentBase : BargeExDocumentBase
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public MustInherit Class UpdatableBargeExDocumentBase _
	Inherits BargeExDocumentBase
Visual C++
public ref class UpdatableBargeExDocumentBase abstract : public BargeExDocumentBase


This internal class is used to implement the application header elements that are common to all BargeEx document classes that support updating. All updatable BargeEx document classes are derived from this class. This class contains properties and methods that are common to all updatable BargeEx document classes.

Inheritance Hierarchy


See Also