Represents the CICA document called Barge Service Order Document.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public class BargeServiceOrder : BargeExDocumentBase
Visual Basic (Declaration)
<SerializableAttribute> _
Public Class BargeServiceOrder _
	Inherits BargeExDocumentBase
Visual C++
public ref class BargeServiceOrder : public BargeExDocumentBase


The Barge Service Order Document provides a means for a marine trading partner to transmit an order for services to be performed on one or more barges to another marine trading partner.


The following example creates an instance of the BargeEx BargeServiceOrder class and sets its common properties. This example does not detail how to set OrderLineItem collection items. Please refer to the OrderLineItem documentation for more information.
CopyVisual Basic
' Create a new BargeEx BargeServiceOrder object
Dim BargeServiceOrder As New BargeEx.BargeServiceOrder()

' Update the BargeServiceOrder properties before
' returning the object to the user
With BargeServiceOrder

    ' Update the DocumentHeader property
    .Header.SenderTradingPartnerNumber = "12345678"
    .Header.ReceiverTradingPartnerNumber = "87654321"
    .Header.InstanceIdentifier = "ABC123"
    .Header.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")

    ' Set the ApplicationHeader properties
    .CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")
    .TransactionIdentifier = "ABC123"
    .Note = "BargeServiceOrder test note."
    .ResponsibleLocationName = "Fleet ABC"

    ' Set the OrderInformation properties
    .OrderDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00")
    .OrderPurposeCode = BargeEx.CicaOrderPurposeCode.NewOrder
    .OrderNumber = "XYZ123"

    ' Set the equipment properties
    .OrderType = BargeEx.CicaOrderType.AnyBarge

    ' Set the AnyBarge properties
    With .AnyBarge

        ' Set the AnyBarge count
        .Count = 5

        ' Set the common barge properties
        .HullType = BargeEx.CicaBargeHullType.Rake
        .SizeCategory = BargeEx.CicaBargeSizeCategory.Jumbo
        .BargeType = BargeEx.CicaBargeType.Deck
        .CoverType = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverType.FiberLift
        .LoadStatus = BargeEx.CicaBargeCurrentLoadStatus.Loaded
        .CoverConfiguration = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverConfiguration.Open
        .CurrentCommodityName = "Coal"
        .Draft = 13

    End With ' AnyBarge

    ' Add any OrderLineItem objects
    ' ...

End With ' BargeServiceOrder
// Create a new BargeEx BargeServiceOrder object
BargeEx.BargeServiceOrder BargeServiceOrder = new BargeEx.BargeServiceOrder();

// Update the BargeServiceOrder properties before
// returning the object to the user

// Update the DocumentHeader property
BargeServiceOrder.Header.SenderTradingPartnerNumber = "12345678";
BargeServiceOrder.Header.ReceiverTradingPartnerNumber = "87654321";
BargeServiceOrder.Header.InstanceIdentifier = "ABC123";
BargeServiceOrder.Header.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");

// Set the ApplicationHeader properties
BargeServiceOrder.CreateDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");
BargeServiceOrder.TransactionIdentifier = "ABC123";
BargeServiceOrder.Note = "BargeServiceOrder test note.";
BargeServiceOrder.ResponsibleLocationName = "Fleet ABC";

// Set the OrderInformation properties
BargeServiceOrder.OrderDateTime = DateTime.Parse("01/01/2008 16:00");
BargeServiceOrder.OrderPurposeCode = BargeEx.CicaOrderPurposeCode.NewOrder;
BargeServiceOrder.OrderNumber = "XYZ123";

// Set the equipment properties
BargeServiceOrder.OrderType = BargeEx.CicaOrderType.AnyBarge;

// Set the AnyBarge properties

// Set the AnyBarge count
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.Count = 5;

// Set the common barge properties
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.HullType = BargeEx.CicaBargeHullType.Rake;
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.SizeCategory = BargeEx.CicaBargeSizeCategory.Jumbo;
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.BargeType = BargeEx.CicaBargeType.Deck;
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.CoverType = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverType.FiberLift;
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.LoadStatus = BargeEx.CicaBargeCurrentLoadStatus.Loaded;
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.CoverConfiguration = BargeEx.CicaBargeCoverConfiguration.Open;
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.CurrentCommodityName = "Coal";
BargeServiceOrder.AnyBarge.Draft = 13;

// Add any OrderLineItem objects
// ...

Inheritance Hierarchy

See Also