Gets or sets the transaction revision number for the primary clean or repair Barge Status document which is related to this secondary clean or repair line item.

Namespace:  BargeEx
Assembly:  BargeEx (in BargeEx.dll)
Version: 3.0.400.140 (3.0.400.140)


public virtual string PrimaryTransactionRevision { get; set; }
Visual Basic (Declaration)
Public Overridable Property PrimaryTransactionRevision As String
Visual C++
virtual property String^ PrimaryTransactionRevision {
	String^ get ();
	void set (String^ value);

Property Value

The transaction revision number for the primary clean or repair Barge Status document which is related to this secondary clean or repair line item. The default is a null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic).


If this property is set, it indicates this Barge Status - Clean or Repair document is a secondary or additional operation.

If this property is set, the PrimaryTransactionIdentifier property must also be set.

This property is only used when the LineItemType property is set to Clean or Repair.

The PrimaryTransactionRevisionSpecified property indicates whether or not this property will be included in the serialized class or generated document. The PrimaryTransactionRevisionSpecified property is automatically set to true when this property is set.

See Also